‘Tis the season of “best of” lists, and I’m honored to be included in The Huffington Post’s top 10 entrepreneurs to follow in the New Year. Following influencers is one of the best, fastest and easiest resolutions you can make. I was included in this list because of my presence on Forbes, Entrepreneur and Mashable. The list covers how I got into the entrepreneurial sector, my early years in construction, and how what I learned (while on bed rest!) has evolved into my ventures and businesses today.

You’ll also want to follow Kelly Lovell, the founder of YOU Effect, a platform that connects leaders around the world. Follow entrepreneurs who are both your competition—and those who are complementary. You can learn from every success and failure story.

Shama Hyder, known as the zen master of marketing, is also on the list. She founded the Zen Marketing Group, an award-winning company, and is active on social media where she’s quick to share tips, advice and hacks. Serial business founder Ted Coine is also featured, and you’ll want to see what he shares in 2017.

Get the full list here and start following:

